Anna Dumbiotis

“Without the support and training that SWMS provides I would not have been able to pursue music, and I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today!
The course and tutors really inspired me to realise my potential, invest in my passions and share my love of music with others. I believe that it has given me a well-rounded foundation focused on collaboration and creativity, touching on a range of genres and perspectives which I have been able to build upon during my first year at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Here, I have been focusing on finding my individual voice as a soloist and in choral settings, as well as continuing to compose original music. I am very grateful for the various projects and performance opportunities available to me, as well as the specialist input that I have access to from my professors and tutors.

I owe a lot of credit to SWMS, as I feel that their courses equipped me for meaningful, collaborative music-making, while reminding me that the sky is the limit!”


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South West Music School (SWMS) is registered in England as a company limited by guarantee (Company No: 7307202) and a charity (Charity No: 1138482).
Registered office: Bishop Fleming, 10 Temple Back, Bristol, BS1 6FL.
Copyright © South West Music School 2023. All rights reserved.

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