Anna Dumbiotis
“Without the support and training that SWMS provides I would not have been able to pursue music, and I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today!
The course and tutors really inspired me to realise my potential, invest in my passions and share my love of music with others. I believe that it has given me a well-rounded foundation focused on collaboration and creativity, touching on a range of genres and perspectives which I have been able to build upon during my first year at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Here, I have been focusing on finding my individual voice as a soloist and in choral settings, as well as continuing to compose original music. I am very grateful for the various projects and performance opportunities available to me, as well as the specialist input that I have access to from my professors and tutors.
The course and tutors really inspired me to realise my potential, invest in my passions and share my love of music with others. I believe that it has given me a well-rounded foundation focused on collaboration and creativity, touching on a range of genres and perspectives which I have been able to build upon during my first year at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Here, I have been focusing on finding my individual voice as a soloist and in choral settings, as well as continuing to compose original music. I am very grateful for the various projects and performance opportunities available to me, as well as the specialist input that I have access to from my professors and tutors.
I owe a lot of credit to SWMS, as I feel that their courses equipped me for meaningful, collaborative music-making, while reminding me that the sky is the limit!”